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No problem! And well I had let them out and they'd been out for a little while with no problems so I had gone inside for a bit not paying attention. I look outside and see a huge hawk in the trees! It flew away but branch by branch..
anyhow, ran out to zero chickens. I called and called and nothing. Usually I don't even have to call them they just come running when I go out there. So I looked and couldn't find them and then I noticed one of the Orpingtons hiding under some pine trees and next to a huge fallen pine branch looking terrified. She looked at me l, terrified, wouldn't move, and let me go up and grab her and put her back. Then one of my EEs comes out of nowhere. Wouldn't come in though but my dad got her in eventually. Then I go looking and find 2 more, who come running to bread. One follows me home, the other dives back into hiding. Another comes running too. So get them home. Find the other 2 again and manage to grab and take them home too. My parents find another EE, tries to get away but manage to grab her and carry her home. Cannot find the last chicken. Give up and go driving. She comes home an hour or 2 later. So at this point one Orp is hiding in the backyard near the run, one EE comes outta nowhere in the same area, 5 were in the bushes in the front yard (the 2 Black Australorps, the other 2 Buff Orpingtons, and one EE), and my Barred Rock was missing. I searched every bush in the yard and then went through the woods starting in the back yard and going to the front yard. (This is before we went driving, like mentioned shes the one that came home an hour later). I must not have gone deep enough in the woods cause my mom said she came barreling out of the woods. We got lucky because no ome was injured. However in the woods I noticed some tracks in the snow which looked like their running, mid flight skates/lines in snow than normal foot prints, and one single gold feather. Knew one must have been there. Kept going and found a huge pile of feathers. I figure it was the chicken that was hiding and horrified. Thankfully she isn't hurt, just terrified, and I can't even tell which chicken it was. I know we got very lucky.

Aw im glad she's ok. They have the advantage of all those feathers. All 3 of my Buff Orps have been attacked, one by a bird of prey and their feathers have always saved them even if they get wounds as well!
Aw im glad she's ok. They have the advantage of all those feathers. All 3 of my Buff Orps have been attacked, one by a bird of prey and their feathers have always saved them even if they get wounds as well!

Thanks! Those feathers certainly do come in handy! You've had 3 of yours attacked!? Wow! Fortunately this was the first attack for us. And fortunately nobody was injured :)
The Orp family! We've got Bella on the left, niece of Daisy in the middle and daughter of Orp on the right (Orp and Daisy are sisters)


"I dare you to lift me off this nest one more time!"

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