Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

hunterjumper999 your Lavs color looks almost electric. Nice boy!

Here is one of my project birds. He is Orpy enough to let him play with his sister. I know some have imported jubilee from UK. But, Pumpkinhead is here, now and showing interest. So, the American BYC Jubilee project will go on.
At least with him and his sis. Their getting their own place tomorrow.
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3 pics from the number one pen.
3 year ole hen


Number one cock

And one of the newer young cockerels still growing out.
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Got my incubator plugged in for a test run..make sure everything is working. Seeing those precious babies of yours was just what I needed to get me going.
I just seen how popular the Birchen Marans have become. 8 eggs going for $128, W0W! And I have Bruno.
This MAYBE the year I exploit Bruno. I have a special pullet in mind I am going to use on him in addition to my very large Black Marans hens. So I will be making a decent attempt to make some Orp looking Birchen. Bruno's first year I used him and his daughters laid somewhere between a 5 and 6 on the Marans Darkness color scale. So he will be having pullet who should make some very pretty eggs.
Here's BRUNO


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I am up to two hatched and a third chippin his way out. I am finally getting eggs from my Buff girls. The problem is, even though their in my pole barn with a wood burning stove fired up, two of the three eggs were frozen. Tonite we're suppose to go down to minus -5. Which means minus -10 knowing how accurate our weather men are.
Norman is fresh outta the kiln.

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