Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I haven't posted on here much, but have been following it.

A friend of mine is selling some more of his flock off, and I'm buying them. In the mixture are some Black and Buff Orps from Jody Hinkle. Now a question that has been picking my mind all day. I got to thinking, could I cross my Black Orps with Black Jersey Giants and try and make them bigger? Yes, I know they are already big, fluffy birds but I would like to make them even bigger. Any thoughts on the matter?

~ Aspen

I would suggest weighing your Orpingtons before crossing them with Giants. If they have good type and meet the Standard weight, you really would not want to change that. The type in Giants is not a very good choice in crossing to Orpingtons. You would have lots of culls to deal with. At least half of your first generation would have yellow skin, shanks and feet. These would not be showable or breedable. If they meet the Standard weight, then they are not broken. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.​
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Wouldn't you be introducing yellow skin into your Orpingtons by crossing them with Giants?

That will take LOTS of breeding to eradicate, that is if you're breeding for pure Orps.

Why not cross your potential future birds with a big English Orpington? That would DEFINITELY increase size.

ETA: You could always use a nice sized Sussex, too. That would avoid the yellow skin issue.

I don't have them yet, I'll be picking them up on the 15th. I don't know how large they're going to be, but I know they will be big. Does anyone on here have English Orps hatching eggs they'd like to send my way?

~ Aspen​

I'm not selling eggs but I will have pure English BBS day old chicks available as the weather cools down.

PM me for more info.
A few more of the project growing out

A JewBilly (rumor has it I am part Jewish and my name is Billy) project bird from the offspring of an accidental breeding of a Speckled Sussex and a Buff Orp. I hatched a boy and a girl and they produced about a dozen to play with.
Looks more like a Red Orp then what everyone was wanting which is the infamous "Jubilee" Orp look. But I like her!


Another one which is a bit lighter. Nice full front though. Still will need more width. That may take many more generations to achieve.


Some of the Buffs from my original line.
Swaboda. Prolly the only Buff male I will keep from my line this year seeing I have 3 from Doug's chicks growing out. I am lucky and only have 4 of my line who are males outta 23. And seeing I have 3 great looking cocks not counting my Buff Sport who can be used in a Buff program gives me 4.

I am never too impressed with my line. But they seem to get better as they get older. I had the same negative thoughts last year and one like this girl wound up gettin Champ English at the Central Indiana Poultry Show in Oct.
i new to chickens im hoping to have some buffs hatch to day. i purchess a buff pullet 3 weeks and 3 days ago then got myself some eggs as she is was so beautiful. day 21 today so fingers crossed. one thing two of the eggs i got were white do orpingtons lay white eggs. i didnt think they did. thanks
Hi from Ga. Nice Buffs

These are 6 Buff and 1 lavender Orpington about 3and 1/2 weeks old.
Here are 7 Lavender Orpingtons 2 weeks old and 6 Black Orpingtons and 2 splash Orpingtons 1 week old. I have 44 more in the incubator and putting another 40 in on Friday needless to say I like Orpingtons.
Hi from Ga. I miss spoke. I have 52 Orpingtons,12 Ameraucanas and 12 BELTSVILLE TURKEYS IN THE INCUBATOR WITH 40 MORE ORPINGTONS GOING IN FRIDAY.
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Hello everyone

My Buff hens are now five months old and looking beautiful. They are the right size and shape and they are all healthy and happy. I've been excitedly optimistic about getting eggs next month, at six months old, but I've been wanting to ask when all of your Orpington hens started laying? Thanks!

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