Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

I can usually tell by about 4 weeks, but Orps are the one single-combed breed that can surely fool you for a while. That's one reason I like the blues- the two-toned boys are a sure sign.
If in doubt, wait for pointy saddle feathers.
Yea, I need to just chill and wait.

It's so hard when you can only have hens and can only have such a small flock. You can go from 4 down to 2 really easily and having 2 makes me super nervous because that's just one away from having a very lonely bird.
Waiting is good. Doug told me he had 2 Buff Orps males he was given. A friend came over and said "these certainly aren't your Buffs?" Since they looked gangly and not Orp like. Well they were closing in on one year old when that fella came by. This past summer, the same fella was over and seen them same 2 Buff orp boys and could not even recognize them. They had filled out so much and were most definitely Exhibition quality Orps. That is how much time it takes for some Orp lines to mature. Be patient. IF they stink by 1 & 1/2 years old whack em!
Here's one of my NO's she is 12 weeks old.

I thought that too when I saw that picture. My cockerel roosts on a completely different roost and just lets the ladies battle it out as far as roosting spots, he doesn't want to be a part of that at all. Looks like Bling Bling is of the same mind.
I am so excited to show off one of my pullets. I hatched her from eggs I got from Terry Disney. I have 8 really nice cockerels/pullets. I LOVE LOVE them! She is 10 weeks old.


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