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This is my Buff Roo ...His name is Dude....
The Pa Farm Show starts on Jan 7th so anyone locally looking for birds they sell a pamphlat with all the exhibitors names and address to contact. Good luck in your search. This show is in Harrisburg, Pa for any out of staters check the internet for details.
Hey Harry - Alan Ammarell Here- heard you still have some of my whites. I never got rid of mine still have some you can see at Ammarell Orpingtons Website. I Published Website to Sell my Swans and an Occasional Orp./ Mini Donkey, Seems like a lot of Whites are out there now' It Will Be Interesting to see what people do with them. I REALLY only ever sold a few and It Was Amazing how they filtered out Some Look Good some Don't. Over the years i sold SQ Buffs to Tommy Stanley- He Always Came on Farm Show Week said he Just Liked to Look at Big Chickens with his usual Southern DRAWL. Also sold High Quality Buffs/Whites to Superior Farms and Joel Gilman Seems some People Did Very Well with the Buffs not Many did well with the Whites. I Show Very infrequently usually do some winning. People would always buy Buffs at Shows but on Occasion i had Good Show Winning Whites for sale not much interest. Now BYCers seem to show a lot of interest. [Remember When All is Said and Done More is Usually Said Than Done.]
We bought some buff pullets from Tommy Stanley long ago. A real gentleman he was. The birds were for a friend and we hated to give them up. Had daily contact with buffs directly from Mr. Marcus Davidson a long time ago.
I have heard of the Gilman whites. I LOVE looking at good Orpingtons of both types. Jeremy, your pictures are wonderful.
Would someone PLEASE post a link to Mr. Ammarell's website? I have done every search I can think of and am getting nothing.
I'd love to be able to see what you all are seeing. Thanks, Dave
Your Buffs are some of the nicest birds I have seen in the United States. Just wow!

I have to agree with Jeremy. That buff cockerel in your 2011 is a fine looking fellow. Love the width you have in them.

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