Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Thank you Mr.Shaffer. I was lost on another Import Orp thread and Mr. Shaffer sent me a PM directing me here. I guess there is a difference in UK Orps and what we have here. Never would have known that unless I came to this thread.
My sister gave us 2 nine month ole White Orps back in May for our daughter to raise and eventually show in Junior Shows next year. We are getting into 4H now. We're very new to chickens. My sister's hubby was a 4H kid. And they have 2 boys into 4H. So, with a little pushing they got us to take on some birds that their 4H Club leader found for her to bring out to give us. We now have just added 2 more four month ole Buff Orps for her to show instead of these Whites. I just found out how hard it is to get Whites. Mr. Shaffer was kind enough to lead me to maybe another White Orp breeder here locally to look into.
Not sure how far Libby will go with these chickens. And after looking back thru 40 some pages I can see there are not many White breeders here. So she will be only showing Buffs for now. Or until we figure out how to make some more. Never thought my city born hubby would be into these birds too.
This is fun.
Here is our little lady.

Thank you Mr.Shaffer. I was lost on another Import Orp thread and Mr. Shaffer sent me a PM directing me here. I guess there is a difference in UK Orps and what we have here. Never would have known that unless I came to this thread.
My sister gave us 2 nine month ole White Orps back in May for our daughter to raise and eventually show in Junior Shows next year. We are getting into 4H now. We're very new to chickens. My sister's hubby was a 4H kid. And they have 2 boys into 4H. So, with a little pushing they got us to take on some birds that their 4H Club leader found for her to bring out to give us. We now have just added 2 more four month ole Buff Orps for her to show instead of these Whites. I just found out how hard it is to get Whites. Mr. Shaffer was kind enough to lead me to maybe another White Orp breeder here locally to look into.
Not sure how far Libby will go with these chickens. And after looking back thru 40 some pages I can see there are not many White breeders here. So she will be only showing Buffs for now. Or until we figure out how to make some more. Never thought my city born hubby would be into these birds too.
This is fun.
Here is our little lady.

It looks nice from this angle. You need to locate a nice White cockerel so you can start your own breeding program.

It looks nice from this angle. You need to locate a nice White cockerel so you can start your own breeding program.

Why thank you! We have a 9 month ole White Roo that came with this girl. I asked my sister if it is a good idea to breed him to, what we believe is his sister. She said her 4H Club leader thinks that is okay for the first breeding season. Mr. Shaffer was kind enough to mention a local breeder he knows who may have some Whites available later this year. I hope to give that breeder a call and maybe get one or two more hens. My husband insists we eat these eggs. But, my sister thinks we should learn how to incubate them or if not sell them since their very hard to find any Whites out here worth having for our daughter Libby.

At least offer them on a swap page here on BYC. We sold some Buff Orpington eggs this week at auction. 6 eggs went for $41. Not sure what the Whites would sell for. Hincjc MT sells theirs outright for $40 a dozen postage paid. We would be willing to swap our Buff or Blue Orps for your Whites. They are very rare and good Whites are even harder to locate.

As far as learning how to incubate, we filmed an Incubation Seminar in January. Its available to view free at
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Oh gosh no! I talked to my sister, and she said she mentioned what you said to her 4H Club leader, and he agrees. These White eggs are to be used for making more White Orps. Now my husband is reluctantly agreeing for now. He told me that we would have to sell them before trading them. He said the Buffs Orps birds we have are from a very well known breeder here just North of Indianapolis. My sister's 4H guy has even heard of him and says these Buffs should be wonderful birds for our daughter to show. After reading more on this thread we are thinking of making sure to not introduce any new birds with these Buffs. My hubby said that the fellow he got them from will have more if we need them. So, for now we will keep these 2 Buffs together. But, we are still interested in getting a few more Whites from Mr. Shaffer's friend.
thank you for the great advice
Oh gosh no! I talked to my sister, and she said she mentioned what you said to her 4H Club leader, and he agrees. These White eggs are to be used for making more White Orps. Now my husband is reluctantly agreeing for now. He told me that we would have to sell them before trading them. He said the Buffs Orps birds we have are from a very well known breeder here just North of Indianapolis. My sister's 4H guy has even heard of him and says these Buffs should be wonderful birds for our daughter to show. After reading more on this thread we are thinking of making sure to not introduce any new birds with these Buffs. My hubby said that the fellow he got them from will have more if we need them. So, for now we will keep these 2 Buffs together. But, we are still interested in getting a few more Whites from Mr. Shaffer's friend.
thank you for the great advice

What color are the legs on this bird?

Oh gosh no! I talked to my sister, and she said she mentioned what you said to her 4H Club leader, and he agrees. These White eggs are to be used for making more White Orps. Now my husband is reluctantly agreeing for now. He told me that we would have to sell them before trading them. He said the Buffs Orps birds we have are from a very well known breeder here just North of Indianapolis. My sister's 4H guy has even heard of him and says these Buffs should be wonderful birds for our daughter to show. After reading more on this thread we are thinking of making sure to not introduce any new birds with these Buffs. My hubby said that the fellow he got them from will have more if we need them. So, for now we will keep these 2 Buffs together. But, we are still interested in getting a few more Whites from Mr. Shaffer's friend.
thank you for the great advice
Better stick with Mr. Shaffer, he is a all right guy!!! I was at the buff breeders place you are talking about. He does have some good ones.

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