Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

I highly recommend the standard of perfection book to anyone wanting to know what is correct and faults to avoid ect..terrific book..thou wish it went into more detail..kind of leaves you wanting more
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Im buying a new copy Walt..Mine is an oldie..around 1998, that was the last one I bought , there is only illustration of buff orp , no blk or white or blue English there is also Cornish, Sussex, and dorking..and that's it..

time to upgrade..I have always had the blk and white standard copy too...think I will get color this time..I have been using the old standard bred orpington as a bit of a guide as the original breeder built in a bit of a jolly face on the blk orps..I always look for that..

Yup! Must be time to buy a new one.

Would I be able to get some assistance with a matter to help a neighbor.

She had a nice big Blue orp rooster, and 3 days ago it got killed by a neighbors dog. For court they are looking for replacement cost. If anyone would be willing to send a quote on an adult blue Orpington with shipment costs include?

It could be e-mailed, then printed.


I was thinking about an open coop type deal. Where are your nests?

Thanks Galanie for the compliment! I've tried so many other coops and this is the best idea that I've found for the heat in Texas!

My birds have a 1X4 nailed at an angle to give them a place to roost at night. Again....when they roost they are up above the wood and can catch any breezes there are at night.....some nights are just as hot as the daytime around here. I have nest boxes on the ground nailed to 2 x 4's for them. This particular structure has 3 separate coops and I use it for my breeders. So, I usually don't have more than 5 birds to a coop (1 roo and 4 hens). My nest boxes are actually storage containers that I got from Big Lots for $6.00 ea. They make perfect nest. I also have automatic waters in each coop and automatic feeders as well. I'll go out and take a pic and put it on here for you to see all of this. I really love this style of coop for the south. We just used a carport structure and enclosed it with wire completely. Then added the wood to keep the roosters form seeing each other so they wouldn't spar. Then we added the tin on top to give shade. The misters on the outside of the roofline cools each coop and sand inside only gets a little damp, which the birds like to lay in during the heat of the day! I would say this coop is 20 degrees cooler than the temp on the outside. Granted....I still put frozen water bottles in the tanks that the water flows through going to their little water cups and I still give them frozen watermelon and canteloupes. They are definitely spoiled!
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Thanks Galanie for the compliment! I've tried so many other coops and this is the best idea that I've found for the heat in Texas!

My birds have a 1X4 nailed at an angle to give them a place to roost at night. Again....when they roost they are up above the wood and can catch any breezes there are at night.....some nights are just as hot as the daytime around here. I have nest boxes on the ground nailed to 2 x 4's for them. This particular structure has 3 separate coops and I use it for my breeders. So, I usually don't have more than 5 birds to a coop (1 roo and 4 hens). My nest boxes are actually storage containers that I got from Big Lots for $6.00 ea. They make perfect nest. I also have automatic waters in each coop and automatic feeders as well. I'll go out and take a pic and put it on here for you to see all of this. I really love this style of coop for the south. We just used a carport structure and enclosed it with wire completely. Then added the wood to keep the roosters form seeing each other so they wouldn't spar. Then we added the tin on top to give shade. The misters on the outside of the roofline cools each coop and sand inside only gets a little damp, which the birds like to lay in during the heat of the day! I would say this coop is 20 degrees cooler than the temp on the outside. Granted....I still put frozen water bottles in the tanks that the water flows through going to their little water cups and I still give them frozen watermelon and canteloupes. They are definitely spoiled!
Glad I'm not the only one who cuts out roofs to fit trees ! This is a really well thought out coop. I like the plywood dividers too. It sure does keep the boys in better condition if they can't see each other.
Thanks Galanie for the compliment! I've tried so many other coops and this is the best idea that I've found for the heat in Texas!

My birds have a 1X4 nailed at an angle to give them a place to roost at night. Again....when they roost they are up above the wood and can catch any breezes there are at night.....some nights are just as hot as the daytime around here. I have nest boxes on the ground nailed to 2 x 4's for them. This particular structure has 3 separate coops and I use it for my breeders. So, I usually don't have more than 5 birds to a coop (1 roo and 4 hens). My nest boxes are actually storage containers that I got from Big Lots for $6.00 ea. They make perfect nest. I also have automatic waters in each coop and automatic feeders as well. I'll go out and take a pic and put it on here for you to see all of this. I really love this style of coop for the south. We just used a carport structure and enclosed it with wire completely. Then added the wood to keep the roosters form seeing each other so they wouldn't spar. Then we added the tin on top to give shade. The misters on the outside of the roofline cools each coop and sand inside only gets a little damp, which the birds like to lay in during the heat of the day! I would say this coop is 20 degrees cooler than the temp on the outside. Granted....I still put frozen water bottles in the tanks that the water flows through going to their little water cups and I still give them frozen watermelon and canteloupes. They are definitely spoiled!
I would love to see pics of your coop/run setup...sounds very functional. I have 3 open air coop/ them. I use 90% shade cloth on sides during the hot months and misting systems with sand too. I manually feed and water though.
These are hatchery but they still are great.

Sorry about the second ones quality
I only have 5 currently but Orpington's are easily my favorite breed. I am looking into getting these Orpingtons: B/B/S, Lavender, Chocolate, Red, and White. I sort of want Silver and Gold Laced as well, but I also like Wyandottes a lot, so I leave that for them. I have a random question too. Does any other breed thread (Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, etc) have more replies and/or pictures than this one.
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