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what is the difference in a buff sport and buff. just wondering. are the sports better quality.

Buff Sport is a bird that has the White gene, Appears to be ALMOST White or like mine a creamy yellow tinged White. Buff is Buff.
Quality is not a good comparison since Buff Sport is not an accept color variety.

Here is what most of my Buff Sports are colored. She is 3 months old.

A good Buff has to have an even color. Many are not and look 2 tone in their color.
These have a good even color

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Wow I really like those buff sports. Can you get them by breeding a white and a buff?

Yeah the breeder who introduced the White gene was trying to clean out the dark feathers on the tips of the tail feathers many refer as smut in the tail. That did the trick. The result also introduced the White gene and when breeding the siblings to each other these Buff Sports can pop up in about 1 in 20 chicks
Since you all have orps I thought this would be the place to ask this question. I got my buffs from a breeder but I have noticed the older girls of 3yrs are getting white on their previously red ear lobes. Is this normal??? I had posted their pics on this thread some time ago. LOL Thanks
matte, lovely birds. Do you plan on putting your Black boy with your Lav hens?

Your Splash hens also seem to have nice type.
Thanks, BC. Yes, I will in some combination or another. I have another black that is a little wider I might use.
However, right now I'm hatching everything possible from my Lavs. I have one roo and hen (don't know which) that are throwing mottled lavenders. I want as many of them to work with as possible.

Naturespace---I love the splash too! Maybe it has something to do with the rooster they are with, but the splash hens are the friendliest of all. Our kids can feed them scratch grains out of their hand while petting them with their other hand.
matte you black cock is really nice, you should throw him in with those lavenders... would really help with their type and size
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