Post pics of your chicks thread!!!

Is it normal for the darker feathers to start coming in at about 3 weeks old? Is this one maybe older? She's bigger by nearly double my other Red Sex Link.

I heard a small scuffle and she scared me half to death, I thought these spots were blood!

AW, new feathers are so cute!! Especially their tails! Cute pics of your chickie!!
More pics of the girls (and what seems to be the one unfortunate boy. Doh!)..... They're a bit mcscraggly at the moment.

Still working on learning about the backyard.....

Our very first chicks hatched out on the farm March 26, 2013. "Mom" is a cochin bantam - one chick is a Dominique - two Ameraucana - and two EE's. (She has also adopted the two Muscovy ducklings!)

This came as a suprise - "mom" had just started laying eggs two weeks before she became broody. She refused to leave the nest so I gave her some eggs from my other hens just to see what would happen. She had nine eggs total - untily about twelve days in when my dominique hen decided "give" her some more eggs. By the time I realized what was happening she had 13 eggs. After 25 days - I took the remaining eggs (and candled them) to see what was going on. Several were infertile, one was dead in the shell.... and then there were the four that started late. I saw movement in three of them. SO.... I took them and put them on a heating pad set to low.

Over the past three days - this is what happened

These three are Dominique (hen) mixed with Ameraucana (rooster)!! (The fourth egg with no movement was dead in the shell.)

And here are these three with their "foster mom" Trixie - LOL!!

Our very first chicks hatched out on the farm March 26, 2013. "Mom" is a cochin bantam - one chick is a Dominique - two Ameraucana - and two EE's. (She has also adopted the two Muscovy ducklings!)

This came as a suprise - "mom" had just started laying eggs two weeks before she became broody. She refused to leave the nest so I gave her some eggs from my other hens just to see what would happen. She had nine eggs total - untily about twelve days in when my dominique hen decided "give" her some more eggs. By the time I realized what was happening she had 13 eggs. After 25 days - I took the remaining eggs (and candled them) to see what was going on. Several were infertile, one was dead in the shell.... and then there were the four that started late. I saw movement in three of them. SO.... I took them and put them on a heating pad set to low.

Over the past three days - this is what happened

These three are Dominique (hen) mixed with Ameraucana (rooster)!! (The fourth egg with no movement was dead in the shell.)

And here are these three with their "foster mom" Trixie - LOL!!

Ha Ha- My dog's name is Tryxi- she also loves my chicks, different color though

Our very first chicks hatched out on the farm March 26, 2013. "Mom" is a cochin bantam - one chick is a Dominique - two Ameraucana - and two EE's. (She has also adopted the two Muscovy ducklings!)

This came as a suprise - "mom" had just started laying eggs two weeks before she became broody. She refused to leave the nest so I gave her some eggs from my other hens just to see what would happen. She had nine eggs total - untily about twelve days in when my dominique hen decided "give" her some more eggs. By the time I realized what was happening she had 13 eggs. After 25 days - I took the remaining eggs (and candled them) to see what was going on. Several were infertile, one was dead in the shell.... and then there were the four that started late. I saw movement in three of them. SO.... I took them and put them on a heating pad set to low.

Over the past three days - this is what happened

These three are Dominique (hen) mixed with Ameraucana (rooster)!! (The fourth egg with no movement was dead in the shell.)

And here are these three with their "foster mom" Trixie - LOL!!


Three weeks old today. This is the only one where I can see the comb. If that normal? Or do I have roo paranoia?

Side view, color is starting to go more golden.


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