Post pics of your chicks thread!!!

My chicks are almost 8 weeks old now. These are White Chanteclers

Here's my EE & Buff Orpington pullets.

This is my big White Rock cockerel. Biggest of the 28 chicks.

Oh yes, Basil the Basque, who's 11 weeks old with Missy the pug mutt in background.

My Black Australorp cockerel. Got 3 boys & 1 girl.

My Dark Cornish cockerel.

An EE cockerel.

The biggest EE cockerel & starting to crow already!

And another EE pullet.

7 roosters!!! Thats quite the number do you have alot of hens? or are they training for freezer camp?
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7 roosters!!! Thats quite the number do you have alot of hens? or are they training for freezer camp?
Training for freezer camp, lol! Sure are & there's more than 7 in all. Haven't counted them all yet. it's a project I've been doing the last few years. I get 7 different breeds each year & do a tasting panel, basically. When I find what I'm looking for, I'll breed that breed or hold back 2 of the best breeds & create a hybrid.
Training for freezer camp, lol! Sure are & there's more than 7 in all. Haven't counted them all yet. it's a project I've been doing the last few years. I get 7 different breeds each year & do a tasting panel, basically. When I find what I'm looking for, I'll breed that breed or hold back 2 of the best breeds & create a hybrid.

Trying to breed birds that fit your'e needs better?
Here are photos of my 5 new little hatchlings...1 day old....hatched this weekend under 2 broody moms (a Welsummer/RIR mix and a Silkie)....and honestly about the cutest chicks I've hatched to date.

I got the fertile eggs at the feed store who said the seller told the store they were "pure breeds" ....but I'm thinking the chipmunks are mixes and at a loss as to what breed(s) those could be as the egg shell colors were wrong for Welsummer or Brown Leghorn.

Anyone have guesses or ideas?

The eggs we set...uhm I told my daughter to mark them (thinking X for fertile)...and she "marked" them alright...and yup...we named the chick from the Comic Book character set on the egg it hatched from. Batman, Spiderman, Leonardo (blue shell), Ms. Marvel, and the Flash hatched....5 of 15 eggs (I think eggs were older than store thought too) :D

Batman (Bats) on the left...a "reverse" chipmunk... and Ms. Marvel on the right (a proper looking chipmunk from a light tan egg).

Ms. Marvel again (what a cute little face).

Below now, Spidy on the left (a little darker chipmunk than Ms. Marvel) and Ms. Marvel on the right (below)

Close up of "Bats" and her/his mask. Smaller chick than Spidy and Ms. Marvel, but I don't think Banty (came from large egg).

The Flash on the left I'm pretty sure is a Barred Rock (humorously was first chick to hatch and hatched on day 20
) and the little Banty yellow chick on the right came from a Banty size blue egg...and is Leonarda (from Mutant Ninja Turtles). She has black lines on her back that don't show here. (Can't get her to hold still to see her back stripes).

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New to chickens here, these are my 6 barred rock girls (fingers crossed they are all girls!! lol) . Around 5 days old, although I think some are maybe 1-2 days older as they seem to have way more feathers on their wings.

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