Post Pics of your Leghorns

He is named peep when he was a chick he would come when i called him it was like "hey peep come here" and you would hear " cheep cheep cheep!!!!!" You would look down he would be running as fast as he could on those little tiny short legs he would flap his wings thinking he could maybe just maybe fly over to me and now sadly he can be really mean
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Here's my white leghorn rooster sun bathing
Here he is trying to run and bite my sparkly toe nail polish

Here he is behind my favorite hen BBQ I think she is his favorite too

He's very nice.
Hello, Very nice looking LL48 !

Could anyone reccommend a breeder in or close to the northeast ? I am particularly fond of the Rose Comb variety.
I am looking for some great quality Leghorns for breeding and showing. I am looking for Large Fowl and Buff colored. I know they can be very hard to find so any help you can give at all would be greatly appreciated. Please PM me or reply here if you have or know of anywhere I could find some LF Buff Leghorns.

Thank you!
Body type is wrong for a Plymouth Rock, too long it has a very mediterranean breed body shape.  Can't make out the comb in the picture, it's kind of blurred.  What is the source of the chicks?  On my monitor at least it looks like it's legs have a non-yellow tint which is unusual for a leghorn.
yes they have yellow legs

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