Post pics of your Nesting boxes


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
I have to build some new nesting boxes since the ducks & chickens want to go broody at the same time! I was just looking for some ideas. Our old boxes were pretty much cube-shelves, a big unit with 8 boxes. I didn't like it!

the girls went broody in the *favorite* pair of boxes and the others wont use the double decker one. Just need ideas!

Thanks everyone
We made ours from pallets and recycled hinges on the lids. Sorry, I don't have pictures of the lids.


Wanted to add that until we added roosts in front of the top row they did not use them. You might consider doing something similar for your top deck.
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Here is the box of nests made for my tractor and below is the access door


these have never been used as I have never had chickens before and the ones I do have are 3 weeks old. They won't be used for a while.
I'm still in the process of building mine, so don't take mine as being from a expert.
I'm just kind of "shooting from the hip" on my entire build, Haven't drawn up any plans for anything.
So far the more experienced members have told me that I'm doing ok, and my birds should be reasonably comfortable, and have adaquate accomadations.

Coop build in process...


view from inside the coop...


View from outside the coop...

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