Post picture of your turkeys!

Apricot our little mix hen. She's fully feathered now, this was a few days after we got her and she is strutting her stuff. XD We think she may be a blue slate/bourbon red cross.

Our BBW tom. I know he looks pitiful but still going strong! He's over a year old!

Our BBW hens (same age as my tom up there) Front is Weirdo, next is Marble-Eye Hen, then Blue Eyes, then Mean Hen in the back. Sadly Marble-Eye Hen is no longer with us. :(

Our handsome Narragansett toms. On the left is Ken and on the right is Wimpy they are best buds and attached at the hip.

Blue Eyes.

Marble-Eye Hen.

Mean Hen (who is ironically not mean at all. XD)


Pickles my Blue Palm hen.

Red my Bourbon Red tom.
My little girl raised straight from egg, and three I just got!
Not sure what type and I think they are all girls

Best Friends


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