Post pictures of your coop with hardware cloth?

I, too, love the bottle cap idea! Whole lot easier than trying to find the right fender/flat washers to fit the screw heads. But here's some of what I did on my first coop, if you look at the lower left of the A-Frame "downstairs" pen area:


The entire bottom section has the washers and screws holding down the hardware cloth. I stapled it first, when wrapping it, then followed behind with all the hardware to secure it.
Have to add that I love the bottle-cap idea, too!

I went a bit overboard with ours, maybe....
The hardware cloth was secured to the posts with the hammer-in type of poultry staples, then I screwed wooden strips over the posts on the outside. Anywhere the hardware cloth overlapped, I "stitched" it together with either zip ties or thin steel wire. I also buried it about 6" to 12" in the ground attached to boards buried the same depth.

A few photos, don't know if they'll help or not.


This was during construction. It shows the wooden strip on the coop portion, but not over the post.

The vents were also done in the same manner.....far too many poultry staples (the Dr says I shuoldn't have permanent damage from hitting my tumb so many times....) and then screwed-on strips of wood.

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