post you mallard duck photos here

My white mallards just hatched out some ducklings! I have two little fluff butts runnings around now.


Awesome videos..
I can't imagine your going to part with these 2??

I might convince my dad to take them in on his pond (this way, im guaranteed a duck sitter for vacations), but I guess it all depends on their gender. I mean having three ducks in a residential neighborhood is pushing it, but five????? But then again, they are so adorable....
I might convince my dad to take them in on his pond (this way, im guaranteed a duck sitter for vacations), but I guess it all depends on their gender. I mean having three ducks in a residential neighborhood is pushing it, but five????? But then again, they are so adorable....
Hope it works out. Yep i forget since I have non quacking ducks how loud quackers can be.
Mine aren't so loud, but it took two years of routine to get them like that. They only quack when the mailman walks by or if some wild mallards fly over. Otherwise, they keep it down. I'm imagining the chaos of raising two more.

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