Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

This is my first time with chickens. Here is what we have:

Group shot, silkie, comets, and terta tents.

Partridge silkie

Possible splash silkie

White silkie

Blue silkies


I'm head over heels for my silkies!! I have also added a couple Easter eggers and a brahma to my flock.
These are my girls....

I had no idea what this one was at one day old, but I happily figuring out she's a silkie!!!

my pearl white leghorn

lola loves hanging out in the coop with me and the girls

all my australorps were supposed to be the same age, but they aren't developing at the same rate I suspect there might be more of an age difference.

I was guessing that she's a rir, but her pic when she was younger is below and she didnt look like other rirs at a couple weeks

this precious little chick died a couple days after coming home

My one and only chick, a Malaysian serama, named Squeak! Total momma's boy. I hast he'd him a little over a week ago. He goes everywhere with me, including work :). He sits on my shoulder the entire time there. My boss and co-workers get a kick out of seeing him on the forklift with me.


My cat got jealous, and decided to get in on the picture taking. He hid his face at the last moment, and gave me a lovely picture of his back.
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