Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

my broody marshie and her two sweethearts! not too sure on genders yet, but I find it odd both of these are polish but one of them had orange legs....

I have 3 Assorted Banties Straight Run,3 Barred Plymouth Rock pullets,4 Silver Laced Wyandotte,1 Welsummer, 1 White Leghorn, and 1 Buff Orpington in their brooder but we need to make a bigger one.We also have 3 Rhode Island Red hens and are waiting for our RIR rooster. Can't wait :)
Lucy, the very loud mouthed 3 day old Barred Rock!

She will tell you like it is. If you aren't listening, she will tell you even louder!
Well here are some pictures of a few of the 15 chicks that have hatched out so far today. The rest are still in the incubator drying out. I still have 2 eggs with external pips & 2 others I am waiting to see what will happen. We are just about a half hour shy of day 22.

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