Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

my crush JT has a Girlfriend i can't breath my first crush is dating a Prissy brat lets just say  she is just a another city slicker who  screams when she gets dirty
Hey, don't hate on city slickers. We may not enjoy mud much, but we're not all bad. :p
On a more sympathetic note, don't worry too much. If she really is an obnoxious person, he'll probably not sty with her long. Just be a good friend and hope for the best. :hugs
If you ever get the opportunity, you should try to find out why. I'm curious.
Im gonna ask her tomorrow.
I have a sort of (actually a MAJOR crush) on a nice kid at my PE class. We stopped going for 4 weeks, and he doesn't seem himself. He doesn't remember me, he doesn't talk to me much, no matter how often I make conversation, and he and I don't jole anymore.

He's a black afrcican american, and I'm a white pure redneck. Does he feel awkward, now, or something? I really want to be with him, but I think he doesn't...
My crush is a farm boy named Justin. <3

Oh, so THAT'S his name. ;)

Morgan and Justin sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, I forget how the last part goes!

Haha, I had a crush on a cowboy named Justin once, but we were like 7. :p

My crush is on a boy named Eli but I never get to see him any more. :/
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I have a sort of (actually a MAJOR crush) on a nice kid at my PE class. We stopped going for 4 weeks, and he doesn't seem himself. He doesn't remember me, he doesn't talk to me much, no matter how often I make conversation, and he and I don't jole anymore.

He's a black afrcican american, and I'm a white pure redneck. Does he feel awkward, now, or something? I really want to be with him, but I think he doesn't...

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