Post your Ducklings!


They grow so fast!
What kind of ducking is this? I just picked up 5 today. Super happy to add them to our flock of chicks :)
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Love these little ones already. I hate to say it but the second pic is of my favorite,
his bill is so much smaller than the rest and hes a little smaller in stature that it gives him extreme baby face.
But i really do love them all. Even if i was not intending to get back in to ducks, for awhile.
Found them in a walmart parking lot with a bag of food.
Our three Cayugas, Sophie, Kiki (supposed to be a girl but turned out to be a drake) and Mei, they're mostly grown up now and I don't have as many baby pictures as I'd like, but here's some of the better ones :)

The day we got them at 3 weeks old, they were so scared at first, they managed to very quickly break their heat lamp, had the door to their little crate open and the lamp outside but they managed to splash water on it and it cracked. Thankfully they didn't need it.

From right to left, Mei, Kiki in the water, and Sophie.
They were very happy with water to play in, everyone would try to get in all at once and soak their bedding.

Mei was much smaller than the others as a duckling, she's in the top left here, shows the size difference, but now she's even bigger than the drake, and Sophie is the tiny one.

Little wing stubs looked so silly when they were growing.
I am not 100% on what breed these are but here are my 4 week old ducks
was told they might be pekins?

I'm very inexperienced when it comes to ducks so I could be totally wrong, but those look like muscovies to me, their tail feathers seem like what I've seen on them before. They don't look right for pekins to me, with the black spots on their heads. They're very cute! I love their little pink bills.
Here if goes again, what kind of duck is this? Tryying to figure it out so I can google it as a grown duck. Please help. Thanks! :)


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