Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

Thanks-you so much
I'll definately be doing that soon since a raccoon just killed it's second caged chicken in 3 days
So so sorry, hardware cloth is a much better option. Use screws and washers or U nails to attach it to the outside of the wood frame of the pen. Use medium to heavy hinges and latches that are not just the hook and eye style. If a child 5 and under can open it, so can a raccoon.
wow i thought my duck was spoiled but you all put me to shame lol. i wish i had some pictures to post, but its too dark out right now. i'll definately try to get some in the morning!
Haven't had anyone post any new pictures lately so thought i would post to show my new website (work in progress) and to revive this thread.

This link is to my website -->
If you try and type it into a search engine it won't show so for now you have to click the link or type it the url.

Also if anyone is interested i have some Saxony ducks, and some Bahama pintails for sale. (pintails are fully feathered now)



I love the set up too I want to make my pond (looks the same as yoours) above ground too so I can drain it down hill. What did you use in the run, Pea Gravel? how deep is it and is it just dirt underneath does it wash down easilly? humm looks rteally cool

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