Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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I love coming to this post each day and seeing the new eggs

I have been getting eggs for two weeks now...and still get excited each time we get one.
I have been waiting for eggs for what seems like forever, but I came home this afternoon and found TWO!!!


My Daughter was very excited as well.


We got our first egg today!! She skipped the nest box and hopped her chicken fence and made herself comfy in my daylillies. It is a good thing I check on them so often or I would have never known she had done it!


Now I just have to figure out how to get her to lay where she is supposed to!
Finally the day has arrived! At 20 1/2 weeks. We've been watching the barred rocks closely because they look so ready, but it was Alice, our Easter Egger who came through first. Didn't make it in the nesting box, but in the run under the ladder going up to the coop.

Her first two eggs next to a "large" store bought egg.


Proud of my little Alice.

Hi there!

These are the four blue/green eggs that I received this week! My americauna's I believe, but can't be sure! They are the two oldest chickens. The rest are about a month behind them. Brought them home as chicks in April. I thought americauna eggs would be larger, but maybe not??

Can anyone point me in the direction of an egg chart for breeds? I have frizzles, americaunas, and a few other breeds. Thanks! I am sooo excited to share!!

My first dozen. Lovingly provided by one BO, One Light Brahma, one LF Cochin and one (I think) bantam Cochin:


My Mother In Law has been saying she can't wait to get eggs again (my 2 RSL's were taken by a fox earlier this year and the new flock is young). As a gag I'm thinking about sending her a dozen little banty eggs to see what she says!!!
Finally got a brown egg from the RIR. She's about 25-26 weeks. Took her sweet time. Two more hens to go.

I went to the coop to check on the chicks and my Ameraucana was making some odd sounds. I waited to see if she would lay but I interrupted her and she couldn't lay while I watched apparently. She went back out into the run. I left and saw her go back in. I waited a few minutes and came back with the camera. She had just laid it. Now that is what I call Fresh! (I just wish I could have seen it!) Now if I could only get her to lay in the nesting boxes instead of the shelf.

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