Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Yay! First egg today, not yet four months old! Mama's so proud! Funny how she picked the nesting box without anything in it! Also our first egg ever from the chickens just happens to come when we have two dozen eggs in the fridge from the store! Good thing I like breakfast for dinner!
My wife (One Girl's Rant) was filming when we got our first legit egg from this year's flock. While she was working on the video, the flock went into an uproar and she found it.

Thought it was pretty cool to catch it like this!

Tell your wife I love her videos! We had one linked in the NY chicken Lover thread a few weeks ago (several hundred pages behind where we are now)

White one is store bought.... Pic taken 1st of July. Girls were 20 weeks old at the time.

We're getting 6 eggs a day now, out of 9 birds. Got about 6 double yolkers from one of my white rocks and I had huge egg without a yolk today.
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It felt like Easter finding an egg lying in the run. I imagine my surprise was only a fraction of what Lilly our Columbian Wyandotte felt .
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