Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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I have got to share this with ya'll. I've posted a couple of pics of eggs that were monsters...I didn't think they could get any bigger. Boy oh boy was I wrong. I could not believe the size of this egg when I found it in the coop this morning. I've weighed every big one I've found...biggest was 2.7 ounces. This sucker weighed 3.5 ounces!!!! I also took pics of it next to a regular egg, and my son holding it. The one on the right in his left hand is the one that weighed 3.5 oz. The one on the left (in his right hand) was the one from yesterday that weighed 2.7 ounces.

Wow that's BIG! Lol.. What breed layed that?
My Peepers laid her first today!

Hard to tell from the pic but it does have a slight purplish tint...

This is Peepers
Matilda (Barred Rock) laid her first egg today! We're still waiting on the other two (Hermione - Americana and Beezus - Golden Sexlink). These are the first chickens we've had and so far it's been so fun!

Wow that's BIG! Lol.. What breed layed that?
Commercial Black from Mt. Healthy hatchery in Ohio. They were supposed to be Barred Rocks...didn't discover what they really were till about 4 weeks old. After playing phone tag between Southern States where I bought them from and the hatchery, I found out that the hatchery shipped the CB's by mistake...they look exactly like BR chicks when a day old. Anyhoo, Commercial Blacks are a cross between a Barred Rock and a bunch of other different breeds. Here's what the hatchery's website has to say about them:

Commercial Black

These are high egg producing commercial hybrids. Since different crosses are used, your birds may grow different black feather variations including solid black, barred and silver. Some birds may show red feathering. This variety will always be dependable producers of large brown eggs.

Here's a pic of the girl laying the monsters:

Congrats to all the new layers!!

My babies r really doing well. Got three yesterday and have gotten some from them everyday since Saturday. The chain reaction has started. So far I'm tickled w the three breeds I chose to add to r LB flock.

congratulations. we were on a roll for a while and now for almost 4 days have not gotten an egg. only 2 rubber ones without shells. I hope our girls get on the ball soon.
Well my ladies have been laying for a few weeks but i kept forgetting to post a picture of my barred rocks first egg ..... its so pretty i love how it has little white dots on it :) i really cant wait till my americauna lays her first so i can see what color it will be :)

here is Vera's egg!!!

congratulations. we were on a roll for a while and now for almost 4 days have not gotten an egg. only 2 rubber ones without shells. I hope our girls get on the ball soon.
I may have spoke too soon. No new baby eggs today. :( But I did get 3 so far from our older ladies, the 3 best layers. Hoping to find more when I go do another egg check here in a bit. Good luck, hope your girls get back into the swing of things again soon!!

Congrats, jetdog!
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