Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Disa! I got my first egg on New Year's Eve and I've had at least one a day since. Today I got the most yet, 6! Before you know it, you'll be rolling in eggs!

Good Luck!

We got our first blue/green egg today! Laid by Dora the EE. The pics don't show the color well, but its kind of a grayish green color. It had a little blood on it when I found it. Is this normal for a first egg? None of the other three chickens I have laying have ever had any blood on their eggs.

Dora's first egg!

Today's eggs! Laid by Dora (EE), Sara(BA), Matilda (RSL) and Beatrice (BO)

Dora...the newest layer!

First egg today. Not sure which one of the girls gave this to us...but like I told one of my's not like they have little pens and sign their work! But seriously, I think it was one of my Barred Rocks...they seem to be the most mature of the's from one of the Golden Comets. Either way...we're very excited here and can't wait to check for eggs tomorrow!! YAY!!

So glad she pulled through!!! :) Do turkey eggs taste like chicken eggs???

I know... she is not a chicken. This is my Royal Palm Turkey hen. She got attacked by a neighbors dog about 6 weeks ago. I thought she might not make it but she pulled throw and now laying eggs. She can't fly right now. One of her wings is still not usable. So I did not notice the first egg. She can't get to the nesting boxes. She must have laid it the day before on the ground. I am sooooo egg-cited.

It makes a great addition to my other eggs...

I will have to build her a box at ground level... She deserves that.
Thanks Shegeekster.... I am thrilled she has pulled throw as well. She is actually using her left wing more now. I was not sure if she would ever be able to use it. She made it up to the nesting box yesterday. I was so proud of her. I have not yet eaten any of her eggs yet but I did get some last year from a friend of mine. And they are really good. Obviously they are larger but they seem... richer... a lot more heavy... The membrane covering the yoke seemed more crisp... Either way they were very good. I did not keep my girl Tia's first eggs... I felt I had to share them. I am really thankful that she lived and if felt right to let them go. I gave the to our Certified Executive Chef that is head of our Culinary Arts program at the college that I work at. She is a wonderful teacher and I always am thankful when I have her class as an assignment. (I am a ASL Interpreter and we have had several Deaf students go throw her program). Last semester Chef was trying to show some of the students about the food industry and supporting local farmers and organic and all that. So, this semester I gave Chef some of my chicken eggs with 2 turkey eggs. She said that she and her advanced students would cook them up that day. I wonder which way they did that;)
Do hens usually have a tell tail shape to their eggs?

I wouldn't say "usually". One of my Anconas lays an egg that is pointer on the small end than the other Ancona. If it wasn't for that, I'd have no idea which laid if I only get one white egg in a day. Other than the Anconas, I would say all the girls lay the same shape as their 'sister' (I have two of each)

My first egg from my 24 week old Barred Rock! It is perfect...a little smaller than my GLW and BO, but pretty shape and color.

Looks just like the egg Dee the Partridge Chantecler lays. I love the shiny brown color.

Well my first egg has finally arrived ... Actually two eggs notice my brown hen. Gertie was in the neat boxes when she came out found two eggs. Can they lay two??? Or did my other hen Mabel lay one while I wasn't looking ???

Mabel most DEFINITELY laid. It is POSSIBLE for a hen to lay 2 in a day, one VERY early and one late but not two at the same time.

LOL, I tried using a plastic easter egg last night, put a thick mixture of plaster of paris in half of it and closed it up, then rolled it, shook it, rolled got the stuff to stick around the inside of the egg best we could (turned out to have a similar weight to a real egg) and finaly, it was left to cure till this morning. So now comes the problem I knew I'd have.... How the heck do I get the plastic off now?
So far nothing is working, LOL. I think I'm going to try a razer sharp blade and see if I can't cut through the plastic!

I think you are making too much work for yourself. Just leave the plastic egg on the p of p.
I put some small stones in a plastic egg (half yellow and half purple no less) taped it closed and put that in the nest box. They seemed fine with it. I took it out 2 weeks ago when the stupid broody hen was trying to hatch it in the enclosed community box and then again the next day in the open divided box. All the girls (finally Dee!!) know where to lay now anyway so they don't need the hint.

This isnt my first egg but its my first blue egg!

Nice table. Oh, and the egg isn't half bad either

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