Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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That looks like the color egg one of my girls' lays.

The blue on the far right is my Easter Egger (not an Ameraucana, which only lays blue - we just got lucky). I believe the one of the far right is my Buff Orpington. The darker one I believe is my Black Australorp. And the other light one is likely my Barred Plymouth Rock. But even if I'm wrong, all of them are "brown laying breeds." Some brown layers lay more or less brown than others. I've seen pictures of eggs collected from single-breed flocks that are all sorts of different shades.
If it's an EE, it has some Ameraucana in the gene pool.... what's lucky was that you got the blue egg gene!
Hi there, we have a new layer and I'm so confused! See this little white-ish egg????? We don't have a chicken that's supposed to lay white eggs, I'm so confused! LOL

We have 5 red sex links (all laying), 1 barred rock (laying), 1 americauna and 1 buff brahma who are new this year. We haven't had any blue or green eggs, everything has been brown - until now! Where is this little light oval egg coming from???
I would say maybe the Brahma, mine laid a small white eggs...
Shocked that our first egg came from one of our silkies! We thought for sure the orpington, black sex link, or easter egger would be first, but nope...

Look at the proud little lady with her egg!
Hi there, we have a new layer and I'm so confused! See this little white-ish egg????? We don't have a chicken that's supposed to lay white eggs, I'm so confused! LOL

We have 5 red sex links (all laying), 1 barred rock (laying), 1 americauna and 1 buff brahma who are new this year. We haven't had any blue or green eggs, everything has been brown - until now! Where is this little light oval egg coming from???

I have two dark Brahmas. One lays a brown egg. The other lays a much lighter egg, very much like the one you're questioning. My guess it this one came from your buff Brahma. Someone once told me that the color of a hen's egg will be the same as the color of her earpatch feathers. And sure enough, the color of each one's patch matches the color of her eggs.
Americana's aren't ameraucanas..... you might not see a blue egg
I actually think she was supposed to be an ameraucana as noted on my purchase receipt, I misspelled it! But, maybe I actually wrote it the right way for what I actually have!!! Hmmm...
Yay! It would make sense for this to be the Brahma if it tends to match the earpatch feathers because this lady is a very light orange color, we call her Peaches. :) Thanks for the tip, I'm going to still hope to see some blue eggs in our future. :D
Shocked that our first egg came from one of our silkies! We thought for sure the orpington, black sex link, or easter egger would be first, but nope...

Look at the proud little lady with her egg!

That egg is ridiculously tiny and adorable! I love it! I have a bantam that just started laying and I was surprised how small the egg is - no larger than a golf ball!
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