Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Oh My Goodness!!! I didn't know that could happen (egg in an egg w shell) but I am learning lots of chicken things I didn't previously know. I certainly knew that one could get double yolks but what you showed made me go "WOW". Thanks for sharing. Kay in NC 9.14.15
Just got our first egg yesterday! I don't know who it's from, we have 5 hens. We had to leave them in the run yesterday because no one was home, so I'm kind of worried if it was a coincidence or if they are actually already laying around our yard when they free range.

you can see my helper here :)


(sorry if the images are missing/funky. I'm on mobile.)
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I was so excited to get my first egg yesterday and a second one today. I think i squawked louder than the chicken that laid it! Still not sure who laid it. I have 3 EEs, 1 welsummer, 1 cuckoo maran, 1 GLWyandotte, 1SL Wyandotte, and 1 silkie.
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