Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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WoooHoooo!!! My first egg layed today!!!!!

We got ours about 10 min ago !!!!!\\

its a bit small but perfect (the girls were hatched about the week of april 15th)



I am sooo glad my kids were the ones to first discover it. They were so excited and ran in the house screaching they could bairly contain themselves.

We didn't get just one egg, but two! My son found one first thing this morning in one of the nest boxes, and three hours later, I found another in the same box.

The darker of the two eggs was the first one laid. That pullet is a 17 week old Black Sex Link who has been squatting for 3 weeks now. She kept running over to me and 'talking' this morning so I was able to I pick her up and check her vent; it is moist.

We don't know which pullet laid the other, but there are four who are ready and have been squatting for a week or two. I didn't feel like chasing them around to check vents! It is probably Shirley, our red not-sure-what-she is hen.
Binkie laid her first egg today. She is 4.7 Months old Black Australorp. I thought her sister Sheba would be first because she is the better or more developed bird.

Binkie was doing way too much talking this morning and I had a hunch so I put out a clean cat litter box and shoved her into it. Of course she ran out of it screaming.

However, Binkie is not a stupid bird. Five minutes later she was going in and out of the NEW nest box showing the other ladies how to do it. Later at 2:30, I checked on them ...because it was way too quiet outside. OMG! There was an egg in the box.

Merlin my kitty helped me to calm down.


I found this when I came home from work today!!!

The color looks a lot prettier in person -- the kids were thrilled that the first egg was green!
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