Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Yay! At twenty one weeks and one day, I have eggs

There were two but one was squished
That one was a pale green rather than olive. My guess is that Polly and OliveOil are the culprits.


And of course, to compare how tiny it is! That's next to a large store bought. I put a piece of tissue in the egg carton around it so it wouldn't rattle

They are all beautiful but how in the world do you keep track or know who laid what egg?? I haven't been able to catch any of my hens lay an egg yet! What's your secret?? Please tell us!

P.S. everyone's eggs are so pretty!!
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They are all beautiful but how in the world do you keep track or know who laid what egg?? I haven't been able to catch any of my hens lay an egg yet! What's your secret?? Please tell us!

I've just been very lucky, I guess. I have a small flock of several different kinds, so that makes it easier to narrow down who the "culprit" might be, and they've started one at a time. I also can hear them squawking from my laundry room, so I went to check who it was a couple times. I did just happen on the EE hens (I only have 2.) in the nest when I went out to let them out for awhile. Of course, I'm at home right now, not working, and my DS went to Kindergarten, so not as many distractions right now.
We broght the Delightful Dozen home in the middle of April, and we have an egg! When DH gets home, I will post my picture here! So exciting, I was not going to let myself expect anything until mid-September, but there it was, just laying on the ground in the run.

I am going to the feed store for layer pellets tomorrow. The whole flock and the dogs got some scrambled egg (not THE egg) as a treat this evening. The Delightful Dozen are 21 weeks old tomorrow - so I should be expecting more all week long!

We don't have golf balls, but we put whole walnuts and a tiny wiffle golf ball in the 3 nest boxes. Here's hoping.

BTW, my 3 RIR are the most mature so I think it is one of them that laid the FIRST EGG! I am so glad I was the first one to find it - if it had been yesterday, DH would have been the one. He can find some now too, but I got to be first!

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From last year...the first egg from our first layer, the late, great Egyptian Fayoumi "Beezelbub", a.k.a. Beebee:

Teeny, tiny, tasty.
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As predicted, the girls started laying while we were on vacation for three weeks. Three out of my ten pullets are laying so far. I'm not exactly sure if these are the very first eggs since I came home to over 2 dozen! I know the darker ones are from my RIRs and the lighter one is from my BSL. The Buffs and EEs can't be far behind. We enjoyed a very good breakfast this morning of scrambled and butter fried eggs



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We got our first egg yesterday! I was surprised. We picked up 10 ameraucana (the people I got them from said they were araucanas, but I'm not so sure... I'll post pics in another thread and maybe you all can help me tell for sure) pullets on Friday. They were already laying, but since they we hauled them across the county, I figured it would take them a while to start laying again due to the stress. I was outside husking sweet corn to freeze when I heard the egg laying song (which I recognized from reading on BYC
)! I went over and sure enough, there was a cute little green egg in one of the nesting boxes! I was shocked to see it there since these pullets didn't have nesting boxes at their former home!

It was small, but I didn't think to put anything in the photo to compare with it.
Now I'm waiting for more!
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