Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

Too cute! The deer looking at the raccoon like "What is that?"
Two Creeks, is this how you know where to set up with your camera to get those beautiful daytime pics?
No maam, doesnt do me any good when the majority of the game cam pics are at night! I do use them however to help me plan where I will hunt. Ive been able to pretty much know what Bucks are in my area and when and where they travel.....this allows us to harvest the finest buck and pass on smaller ones for better managment.

The daytime stuff is from years of knowing when and where they will be at different times of the year. I photograph deer and wildlife in just about every eastern state there is:D The game cameras are addictive however.....the quality isnt there but its alot like hunting!
kyle7630, can you give me exact coordinates of your tree stand? LOL

They ain't the biggest, but they're enough to get the blood pumping huh? lol.
kyle7630, can you give me exact coordinates of your tree stand? LOL

They ain't the biggest, but they're enough to get the blood pumping huh? lol.

I'd take them!
Something my DH does when he puts his game cameras up in the woods is post a sign above it that says: "This isn't my only game camera and if you steal it I will have a picture of you!"
Ok I got to get a game cam!!! this is just too cool!!! But pretty sure outside of opossums, racoons and cats there ain't much here to see! LOL
These are from past season in Georgia. Two different bucks. I know they look the same, but they aren't.

Taking by my chicken coop.

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