Ill post a riddle, if someone solves it, he/she will make another! if he/she dosen't know any riddles, they will pass it on to whoever posts a reply that says: i wanna get the riddle! got it? here is an example:
1: what do you call a fish that is gold?
2: goldfish!
4:i dont know any riddles.
5: I wanna get the riddle!
6: okay!
and so on and so on.
here is the riddle:
What is at the beggining of etirnity, and the end of time and space?
1: what do you call a fish that is gold?
2: goldfish!
4:i dont know any riddles.
5: I wanna get the riddle!
6: okay!
and so on and so on.
here is the riddle:
What is at the beggining of etirnity, and the end of time and space?