Post your parrot pics!

Sunny and Snowy :)

Here are my two:

Charlie is a Rose Breasted Gala Cockatoo - he was given to me (he's was a plucker long before he was given to me and probably always will be but we still love him) and is 10 this year....

and this is Fuego - he is a Sun Conure - he attached himself to me at the pet store as I was passing by and we had such an interesting sudden bond. I ended up going to visit him every day for 5 days just to make sure we would be a good match - he had my heart at 'hello'. LOL! He is less than one year. He has also been a GREAT addition to Charlie's world - we had considered getting a friend for Charlie and knew how risky it would be getting another bird that he might end up hating - I was in no rush and was waiting for the perfect personality to come along that I thought would be a match and a few years later, we found all of the above in Fuego purely by chance. Charlie couldn't be happier and their interaction is hilarious. I enjoy having two birds more than I did just having one. They are so much fun!

My parrots are all little guys (and excuse my bad photography - I used my phone to take these pics) but here they are:

This is Queen an albino cockatiel

These two parakeets are Chip and Candy

Pacific parrotlet Jack

Peach faced Lovebird Lola

And finally meet Cloud, our rescued white faced cockatiel being bashful and hiding behind his millet
I love that and it is so true!
Here are my little birdy loves:

Blue my 5month old peach faced lovebird

Taco my 1 1/2 year old green cheek conure. Semi tame-ish.. Got him from someone who just didn't want him anymore
He's a great little guy, friendly, playful and LOVES Blue. Still can't pick him up or anything but he'll take food from my hand and follow me around when he's out. He's learned how to say "pretty boy", "Blue", "common" and repeats various sounds.

Two of them together
I have one bird I got about three weeks ago.

His (Or her!) name is Gagah.

I'm bored!

Do you have to do this with that funny thing? I feel.... sleeeepyyyy...

Just need a stretch!

Give me a scratch!

He is a Western Galah, very friendly cocky. I'm clicker
training him now and he is saying "Gagah!" and "Hello
Gagah!" He is going through the beaking period, where
he has to bite everything, so he is a bit bitey. But soon
he will be over the beaking period and nice and good again!

(I hope.)
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Aww he/she is gorgeous!!
Don't worry about the beaking.. As long as you ignore it and don't react then they usually learn it isn't fun anymore. Its like having a toddler test your limits all the time haha

This is Charlie the sun conure with his BFF Benny the lovebird.


This is my newest addition Iggy the dark grey white face cockatiel. He is just 3 weeks here, 5 weeks old today.
These are my 2 babies. Shiloh the sun conure is such a funny little man. He is getting his big boy colours now & is 10 months old. Angel my little Quaker is as cheeky as she looks. -At 5 months old her vocab is growing very quickly..


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