Post your wood/mandarin duck enclosures!

Yup, its the best thing since sliced bread!! It was very easy to work with and it saved me about $180.

It is very safe with the birds and actually eye appealing, its not shiny like new chicken wire. Its also great for climates where snow is a problem, it wont build up on the netting as bad as chicken wire.
Its not to bad, its a 9' x 7' pond, i use a nylon bristled scrub brush and it takes about 10-15 minutes to do. But it would definitley be nice not to have to do it at all!!
I actually thought about that, but i dont know how they would cope with unoxygenated water that is contaminated with duck poop. Plus its in the wide open, so i dont know how they would deal with the direct sun, especially on 100 degree days. I dont have much knowledge on fish, so i dont have answers for any of my questions yet!!

We've got lots of fish and tanks. My boyfriend says that with aquariums that you put in lots of plants to compete with the algea. Some catfish, like channel cats, might do ok in there. You could build little rock caves at the bottom of the pond for them to hide in from the sun, that's what I do with my pond that is out in the open. There are lots of plants that ducks won't eat that you could have in the pond, just go to a pond store and ask. Also, duck weed is a plant that the ducks will eat but it grows very fast on the surface of the water, preventing algea from growing. Most pond stores have duck weed and they hate it, so they'll usually give it to you for free by the bucket loads. I have a tall reed like grass in my pond that I bought because ducks and geese won't eat it, though my birds don't get to my pond yet. I'll try to remember going out in the morning to get the name of the plant off the stick in the pot. Most of the plants you can keep in their pots, easy to remove when cleaning. Though, if you set your pond up like a pond in the wild would be, you probably wouldn't have to clean it that often. The plants would use the poop as a fertalizer (sp?) and help you out on cleaning. I'd just still drain it half way once a week and just refill it.

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