Posted this in the Emergency Board... UPDATE: Jesse has passed on T_T


9 Years
Apr 8, 2010
2 1/2 year old embden goose is not able to stand!
He is a little lethargic and has tar black stool. He is not able to walk or possibly stand. I brought him inside and put him in the bathtub on a towel with no water (except a bowl to drink) and food. We are going to give him boiled eggs to build him up. We have a secured yard and it does not seem like he is injured. His eyes does seem sunken in though. Does anyone know what it could be?
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I have been feeding him Waterfowl Pellets He is drinking and eating but not as much as usual though. His feathers are coming out easier. Yesterday AM he was fine. We went to church and had stuff to do in town and did not get home until 6:30pm. When we came home the other two came to us like usual but he could not use his legs. That is all I know for know.
There is a possibility he could have ventured to some stagnant water. His last few BM's have been almost clear pink tinged. He seems to be getting weaker. How would I treat him for Cocci?
how is your gander today? hoping he pulls out of it
I think he might be getting better, but then again I never had one sick before. He is in the bathtub. I figure it has plenty enough area he can scoot around and easier to clean. He still has clear pink tinge BM with brown about. He is starting back to honking though not good on his feet at all. I put some ACV in the water for him to drink. I went all over town to find the meds. No one has them go figure. Usually he fights me when I feed him. Yesterday he did not of that, just a few min he had a half hearted attempt.

ETA: Thank you for all of the information and thank you for the warm wishes and support.
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