Poultry chat thread


Pampered chicken girl

🎃🍁Ready for fall🍁🎃
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
Have you ever just wanted to talk with the members about your poultry? Wanted to ask a question but not make a thread? Share some helpful tidbits of information? You can do it all here share your plans, ask a question, talk all that poultry talk. 🐔 incubation, chicks, adults, talk about everything poultry.
Have fun and talk away!!!
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Have you ever just wanted to talk with the members about the chicken's? Wanted to ask a question but not make a thread? Share some helpful tidbits of information? You can do it all here share your plans, ask a question, talk all that chicken talk. 🐔 incubation, chicks, adults, talk about everything chickens.
Have fun and talk away!!!
YAY!!! Great idea! Are ducks Ok to?
I'll hang out, but I really am best in small quantity. Feel free to disinvite me, I won't take it personally.

/edit ducks better be OK - I have some. and maybe bunnies? goats?
I am not going to disinvite you, a little you is better then no you. You have been very helpful with my questions so take it as a thanks for the help
I'm at this moment anxiously watching the last two eggs try to hatch in our little 12-seat incubator. 1 dud egg identified early, 8 healthy babies in the brooder since last night, 1 more just hatched and catching her breath, and 2 pipped and zipping! Fighting the urge to go "help" them! If all 11 make it, this will be my most successful hatch ever, at 100%!!!!! (I don't count the unfertilized dud). We have 6 more in the "nursery coop" with a broody hen who hatched them day before yesterday (that was also a batch of 12, only half made it). There are 6 more in our "schoolhouse coop" at 4 weeks old, and 7 more at 9 weeks old in the big girls' coop and run with the main flock. Except for the broody's clutch, all were hatched in our tiny incubator. I'll run a couple more batches about a month apart, and call it good for the year. We put the pullets in with the flock, cull our oldest and non-productive girls (freeloaders not paying their rent), and process the cockerels for the freezer. We sell the eggs, which pays for their feed and supplies --- the flock replenishes itself every year, and we get FREE eggs and FREE chicken all year long! We started this staged process of 12 eggs at a time, about a month apart, last spring - and loved how well it's working out.

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