Poultry/Chicken vet recommendations Los Angeles? Open mouthed breathing


Dec 28, 2021
Hi- I did a search here and online but couldn't find any good vet recommendations for chickens in or near Los Angeles, does anyone have one?
One of my girls, Hade is breathing with her mouth open sometimes. She doesn't do it all the time, but today I got good video of it because she and my other girl Touhi are broody and in the nest box together with their faces near the door. She has done it before when it is hot or sunny but stops when moved in the shade. During this video it was neither hot or sunny.
Is this ever just behavioral, like trying to communicate something other than illness? She purrs during pets and squabbles with Touhi, and is very expressive.
A couple weeks ago she "threw up" a clear slimy liquid, but had just eaten her fermented grains and drank a bunch of the liquid. She also had diarrhea for a day or so but it cleared up after I fed her a pumpkin seed, garlic, chili mixture. During this time, prior to the mix, her comb looked a little less red than usual. She has been eating and drinking and pooping, though now because she is broody I am having to bring her out to eat and she is doing the mega poop after holding it in thing. She seems active and scratches for bugs and takes dirt baths and jumps and trucks around as usual once I take her out of the nest box.
In searching and reading about this since her diarrhea and open mouthed breathing I read that it can be heat stress, respiratory illness, worms- and more specifically in regards to the strange breathing, gape worm.
Does anyone have any thoughts or a vet to recommend? I have read mixed reviews about the mail in fecal floats, that they miss worms often and the ones I found don't list gape worm...
PS- She laid an egg today, yesterday and the day before and has been laying normally, I don't think she is egg bound

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