Poultry Drawing Contest!


Flap Your Wings!
7 Years
Jan 9, 2013
Saving Battery Hens at Happy Hen Chicken Rescue in
My Coop
My Coop
You can draw any chicken! Other Poultry Aloud!

You may have as many chickens/other poultry as you want in your drawing! Remember there is no right or wrong in art.
You may use color. There will be a 1st place no color chicken. A 1st place other poultry and a 1st place colored chicken! Then we will have 1 over all winner! The rules are:
1. All BYC rules apply

2. There is no right or wrong in art

3. Have Fun
If you like you can post the picture you copied (if you copy a picture) You don't have to do that just a suggestion!

Please include with your entry if you drew a rooster or a hen. You may draw a rooster with a hen. If you do other poultry including gender is optional. You can draw a chick. You may enter up to 4 drawings! I will judge when I think there are enough entries. For now there is no prize a may add one. If you would like to add a prize pm me.
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