POULTRY IN ACTION picture contest cinco de mayo hatch-a-long

chicken pickin

9 Years
Mar 3, 2012
Yes another contest for all you picture taking poultry lovers

Welcome to the next Cinco de mayo hatch-a-long contest


Contest starts April 25th and will end May 5th at 11:59pm your local time

Winners will recieve a prize
1st place winner can choose one of the following prizes first pick
2nd place winner can choose from the remaining 2 choices
3rd place winner will recieve the remaing choice

- 6 pack of hatching eggs donated by ChooksChick

-1 Dozen hatching eggs combo Marans and OE donated by me Chicken Pickin

- 4 hatching eggs of your choice of the following donated by Arielle
either 4 Bourbon Red, 4 Sweet Grass, or a combo of both

*If anyone would like to donate another prize please PM me

Contest rules
1) Open to cinco de mayo hatch-a-long participants
2) U.S. residents only due to shipping of eggs
3) 3 picture entries per member
4) must be your own photo
5) picture can be of any type of poutlry or waterfowl in any type of ACTION (please remember this is a family site and no crude photos so NO mating pics)
6) DO NOT force your birds into action and DO NOT purposfully compromise your birds in anyway to get a pic

Make this fun and find funny or amazing shots of your birds.

I cant wait to see the pics let the fun begin
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This is Tom with his girls Henny & Henrietta. He is strutting his stuff for the ladies.

My little call drake & 1 of his hens caught in mid-flap after their bath.

Not sure if you would call this action or lack of action. This is my fiance's chick Max "playing dead" on command. He holds him on his back & says "dead chicken." The chick hangs it's head over his hand & goes limp until told "Ok, get up Max." This pic is about a month & a half old & this birds STILL plays dead on command. (I just don't have a more recent pic.)
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You all are fast with the shutter finger!!!

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