"Poultry in Nature Photo contest" MAY~Land of the Free Because of the brave HAL w/hosts Mike & Sally

I don't have very many pictures of our birds outside yet, since our first hatch is just over seven weeks old, but I think this one turned out well.

Entry #1, His/her face and front of poof are wet from diving into leftover watermelon!

It's amazing what a little "product" can do for one's look.

Entry #2, And our little Aussie is so good and gentle as he's told to be, but he wishes he could play with them so much! Love this pic of Elvis (the chicken) being "watched over" by big brother.

Entry #3, And here are the first hatch and the guineas, the only already-hatched birds we bought, going to town on some watermelon rind. Snapped this one when I tossed it to them early this morning.

The guineas were supposed to be our only birds, to help with Japanese beetle grubs, coddling moths, and any other yard/garden/fruit tree pests. Three months later, we have the 11 guineas, 7/12 Buff Orpingtons and 10/12 Barnyard mix from our first hatch, and just hatched another thirteen (9 FBCM, 1 Ameraucana, and 3 Maranaucana)... and I'm working on a 9*12' coop to add to the 8*9' playhouse we turned into a coop.

Chicken math!
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its really cool isnt it!! there is a broody hen on my BYC calendar for April! Do you have that calendar? sweet!!
I don't have that calendar! :( I did not know there were calendars! I might be about to experience "broody hens" soon!!! I have 30 eggs in the "nest" in our barn aka the Coop! I am hoping sometime soon the girls will start sitting on them!

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