poultry pics

First time chick parents having a BLAST! Dang, these things are adorable!
Hatched February 25, we got one each: Anericauna, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Wellsummer, & Golden Laced Wyandotte, plus 3 Cochins...
(the GLW did not make it - that really sucks, but the remaining 7 seem healthy and hardy.)

They are already supplying us with hours of entertainment. This one just stopped mid-meal and fell asleep leaning against the feeder...

Our 120 pound labrador/Rottweiler is very curious what these little noise machines are.
He's a gentle giant - if this goes anything like introducing kittens, he will ignore them once
he sees they are here to stay, and that they take our attention.

Thank you to the scores (hundreds?) of people that make this site such a gem.

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