Poultry Processors in MA??


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
I received 7 packing peanuts with my chick order, all are males. I just can't bring myself to take care of the processing when its time. Are there any processors within 45 minutes of the Sturbridge MA area? Also my Turkey, may end up being Thanksgiving dinner would a processor that does chickens, do turkeys as well?? Thanks for your help
I have been to sturbridge but I can't remember how long of a ride it was from here.
You may be able to find someone closer to you but if not there is a processor in Hanson, he does chickens and turkeys.
They charge $6.00 for chickens and $10.00 for turkeys.
I don't have his contact info on this computer but if you need it pm me and I will look it up and send it over to you.

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