Poultry Show Question-New to showing!!!!!


Apr 25, 2015
What class would I enter my Bantam Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen in? My naked neck silkie cockerel? My standard Cochin? Also can my Spitzhauben Hen be shown?

Thanks! This may sound dumb to you all, but I've never shown before and want to be prepared! Thanks!!!!!
The bantam Wyandotte would be "Rose Comb Clean Leg" or RCCL
The large Cochin would be in the Asiatic class
The Spitz isn't a recognized breed. You can still pay the entry fee to exhibit him but there isn't anything to win.
I didn't see anything about naked neck Silkies (showgirls) on APA site and ABA doesn't show a list of accepted breeds. I just don't know about these.
Your bantam Silver Laced Wyandotte should be entered in the Rose comb clean legged class, Silkies with naked necks are hybrids between Silkies and Naked Necks and therefore cannot be shown, standard Cochins should be entered in the Asiatic class, and if your fair has open class you can enter your Spitzhauben there because in open class they don't require standard breeds and varieties.
For the record you just enter your birds in the show, the only thing you have to specify is Largefowl, Bantam, Waterfowl or Turkey.
The show secretary will know which classes to put your breed into.
While Spitzhabens are not recognized I believe we are putting them into the Continental Class
For the record you just enter your birds in the show, the only thing you have to specify is Largefowl, Bantam, Waterfowl or Turkey.
The show secretary will know which classes to put your breed into.

You must have small shows or bored show secretaries. Expecting the show secretary to complete your entry form will greatly irritate them at the least.
I have been showing chickens for over 30 years and have shown all over the United States. My wife is the show Secretary for the Bluebonnet Classic in Texas with over 1800 birds.
I have never ever seen an entry form that requires you to list the Class ( ie American, English AOSB etc ) on the form. All you are every required is what I have stated.
Now maybe there are a few county fairs where you bring your own cages that require it but not an APA or ABA sanctioned show.

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