Poultry/Small Animal Swap Meet - TSC Georgetown KY 9/18/10

LOL. Those rabbits were too cute to resist. Believe me, I know. I brought 2 home. Oy vey. Got home and the petsitter who had done a morning visit since we left so early...had not only opened the two coops, but also ALL the tractors and pens. Whoops. So I had to catch a lot of chickens.....no harm, no fowl, er foul. The boys have all been moved to a "rooster pen" and all the girls are out in the yard now. The pairs I swapped for are going to stay under quarantine a bit and probably be sold. Maybe I will have better luck selling them than the pairs I traded out!

Had a good time even though I forgot sunscreen. I am burned to a CRISP.
It was great meeting the new folks this time around....

Kyfila - I am glad you made it. Those silkies were adorable as were the rest of the babies.

Thechickonthehill - Thank you so much for the kind offer of the replacement roo, your boys were so adorable. It was a pleasure meeting you.

NellaBean - thank you so much for the Porcelain trio and also for the offer of the Blue cochin boy. He was gorgeous. Had you not left before me, I would have been back up there to get him, I was so mad when I got home. I came home to find the twit second in command and now head roo was not paying a darn bit of attention to my girls and they were playing in the woods!
Thor never allowed them near the woods. I was ready to wring the neck of that stupid EE.

The Porcelains are being held and spoiled rotten. The boy is just a love. Well he seems to like me any way. LOL

Your little bunnies were so cute. I am glad you got the second one so they have a buddy to play with.guess I shall try incubating some duck eggs again and hopefully have some ducklings for the next one.

scbatz - hahahahahaha your bunny is adorable. I cannot say that puppy is as adorable....a girl and part aussie...*sigh* I would also like to credit for my part in the bunny temptation failure...ahem having been the one to state "Oh but you can get a cage and take it to the store so you have company there" *snicker*

I had a great time as always and look forward to the next one and meeting more BYCers!
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I did have a good time even though I got burned to a crisp. I actually have a NON sunburn the shape of my sunglasses on my face. I look ridiculous LOL.

LH, you sound like you need my big blue barred rock rooster. He probably would allow the girls in the woods, but he would be right there with them keeping watch. If you want mr blue cochin, I can meet you in lexington (actually I think we might stay in georgetown) next visit up there....prob 1st or 2nd weekend in August. He was super happy to be back out in the yard with his friends when I got home. Just a really nice boy.

We made a trip to TSC to get bunny food....and i have them set up in a big rubbermaid tub in the extra bedroom for now. Such cute girls
aaawwwwww they sure are cute girls
I am so sorry about your sunburn.

The D'uccles are in the diningroom in a small 3 sided hut...the front is welded wire. They have their food, water and puppy pads. LOL They are all very very sweet. The boy was just an angel when I put Bag Balm on his comb and legs. He did not mind me touching his face and comb at all. He had a small peck spot from his tussle with the cochin boy today. I am thrilled with them. The girls are sitting quietly dozing and he is busy sitting down beside them and hitting the side of the hut...very curious.

I have eggs due to hatch the end of the month and I am really hoping their is a brother of Thor in there
That would make me so happy because I really love my big Orps. But we have time before your trip so we will see what happens before I decide on the cochin boy. He sure his handsome though.
Really enjoyed the swap. A Big Thanks to scbatz for my lav roo and pullet. They've settled in nicely nextdoor to the big girls and boy. Once I get my stock grown-up and producing I can be more of a participant. Just started back in April with buff orpington chicks after years of not having chickens. Didn't realize how bad i missed having them. Looking forward to getting to know everybody better.
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Thanks Cetawin, I'm really excited about them! I had to keep my hands in my pockets while I was there or I would have come home with alot more than I did, lol . Finally got some pics of my babies on my BYC page.
Glad you are enjoying those D'uccles. I came home and let all the girls out into the big yard.....boys went into a larger rooster pen. The girls are pretty smart.....of all the "babies" they were the only ones to figure out how to get somewhere safe come night time. The rest had to be herded in the right direction. You got a pretty good boy. Of the 6 boys, he was one of my original 2 keepers.....before I decided to keep only 1. Good ol blue beard, lol.....
Hey all,
we really enjoyed the Sadieville Swap! Glad I was able to sell some birds! Nice to finally put a face to your posts Sarah!
I hope everyone had a happy and successful time at the swap. We'll have to see how the weather is next month before we commit to being there.
If anyone is interested in Guineas I do have some Royal Purple keets for sale. There are pictures of adults on "Ralph Winters Guinea Farm" website they are truly beautiful birds.
If anyone would like a specific color of silkies just e-mail me and we'll see what I've got or what I can put together.
O.K. Happy Monday everybody!

Glad everyone had a good time. I'm back to the grind today and catching up on posts. The bunny is too funny. He's camped out in a large laundry basket on my couch. He jumps out to the back of the couch to look outside and then back in. He never GOES anywhere. He seems super happy just to be in his space!

The puppy is currently asleep at my feet. Jeff named her Dixie and she is a doll. Of course, he's at work so now I have all three dogs in the store! I swear, I'm not sure how I got annexed by the "doggie daycare"!! Anyway, I think this puppy maybe deaf. If not, she is the calmest, most laid back, steady nerved 7 week old puppy I've ever seen. She never flinches at loud noises, you can clap yell scream right behind her, and nothing! I turned on the vacuum earlier she never even turned around. Jeff thinks I'm crazy, I really Really think she can't hear.

She also keeps trying to make friends with the kittens. They are not amused. LOL! and she attacks mongo and hangs from his face. He just rolls his eyes up at me like "why?" He is such a good boy!

Nella - I'm toasted too! LOL! even my legs are red!

KyFila - you're selling tenacity was worth coming out for! I am seriously impressed!! That man didn't know what hit him.

LH - You just can't get good help anywhere! The blue boy was kicking some serious butt last night. He's gonna be big and not take any guff from "lesser" roos!

ETA - Kyfila - there is a face to my posts - just not mine LOL!
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