Poultry/Small Animal Swap Meet - TSC Georgetown KY 9/18/10

Must be fate!!!

I would have shown up and been the only one there!
Hey gang! If by chance I could get off work Saturday,what could I expect to see at the Sadieville swap? Has anyone started a list like you did in the spring?

Also, I've seen the directions to get there just need to know if it's at the Marathon or at the farm.

At the marathon. I'm working on getting a list together. Gonna email everyone from last month to see if theyare coming and what they have. I'll have orps and some crosses.
Hey scbatz if I cannot make it on Saturday what would be the chances of setting up a time on another day to get some orp babies from you. The hubby unfortunately got a horror of a schedule this next weekend like working 8 days straight and no weekend time off and I don't know that he would trust me driving that far. I get lost a LOT and too far from home no one is close to come rescue me lol. I was only coming for your orp babies anyway. If its not doable though will you have some for next months meetup?
It looks like I'll be off Saturday. I've figured it out to a 3-4 hour round trip to Sadieville. I'm still hoping to get an idea of who/what will be there. With things as tight as they are we can't afford to travel for the fun of it anymore. I'm not sure we will do any buying but Eva and I were hoping to see some varieties of chickens so we can start planning our next step.

By the way,if we do drive over,does anyone want a couple of BO roosters(22wks old) for the pot? FREE!!!!!!

Sarah I shall be there with bells on and bringing two GWH drakes and any GWH/Ancona babies that hatch tomorrow
I really hope they make an appearance so I do not have to hang on to them until next month but...we shall see.

dirtsaver...last swap we had seramas, d'uccle, bantam cochins, Orps and a bunch of different breeds of large fowl, bunnies, kittens, you name it.
Well lady luck plays strange games on us! We didn't make it to the swap,now we're going to try to get to the state fair tomorrow morning to take in the poultry and livestock exhibits. Planning to get there about 9:00 and head out 11:00 or so. Anybody else planning on being there?


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