Poults with weird wings?


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2016
My turkey poults (5 days old) are holding their wings weird, this one in particular is also lopsided.

As you can see the primary feathers are sticking out at an angle on its right wing. On the other two, both wings are sticking out like this. What is going on? Is this normal?
I have only ever owned chickens, so I apologize for all the newbie questions.
That's normal, the feathers are still coming in so they aren't straight yet. Also don't be surprised if some find them heavy after they come in and can't hold them up for a bit of time until the muscles develop.
Agreed, it's entirely normal. Sometimes the feathers on one side grow faster than the other and they appear lopsided. The poults grow these wing feathers a lot faster than chicks do, don't be surprised in another couple weeks when they can fly outright, even as little tiny things. Make sure you have a top to your brooder.
Agreed, it's entirely normal.  Sometimes the feathers on one side grow faster than the other and they appear lopsided.  The poults grow these wing feathers a lot faster than chicks do, don't be surprised in another couple weeks when they can fly outright, even as little tiny things.  Make sure you have a top to your brooder.
x2, they are like popping popcorn, and want to roost very early.
LOL good to know! I have a bin brooder with a lid in my room, it has a very secure chicken wire lid (cat-tested, poult-approved)

I think I will add some perches in for them to sit on and keep themselves entertained. :)
Thank you for the information, definitely a lot more different than chickens than I thought they would be----and surprisingly more cuddly! I am really enjoying the new experience and learning a lot.
By a few weeks old my poults will follow me from their inside pen to the outside pen and will run ahead of me to get back to the pen at night. I call out turkey turkey to mine, they learn to come when called and will do it for the rest of their lives. Turkeys bond to who ever raises them, that's part of the reason I brood all my poults, hen raised chicks are more skiddish. They certainly are nothing like chickens.

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