Practical Uses for Button Quail?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
I know Buttons are pretty and adorable, but what practical uses are there for them? I'm guessing meat and eggs are out for these little birds. I have heard of them being released in bird pens to clean up spilled feed- would they live in a barn and reproduce like feathered mice?

What do you use your quail for?
No. They wouldn't live in a barn that way. They are monogamous, so should be kept in pairs. I suppose in a large area -- like a BIG aviary, with lots of hiding spaces, you could safely have more than one pair.

However, a barn simply wouldn't be secure enough. These are tiny little birds, easily killed and eaten by any predator imaginable. They have zero defense except to popcorn up and try to fly to get out of danger. Plus, they cannot tolerate cold temperatures. I've read that 45 is the ULTRA lowest they should be kept. I won't be going ANYWHERE near that low with mine. (The heater in their room will be set to 68-70 all winter. I'll just have to cringe when I pay the bill.)

You can eat the eggs that they lay. It takes a while to crack them, but we do eat them. I refuse to waste those little eggs! It takes about 20-30 to make a fried egg sandwich.
Well, you could make a really, really small roast quail out of one. The Chinese eat sparrows and call them 'Rice Birds'.

I guess they could be raised as food for reptiles. I don't know how practical that would be compared to raising mice. Not my thing by any means.
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The eggs are even smaller than coturnix eggs and make a nice novelty in gourmet dishes. They can be deviled or pickled and served as h'or d'oevres. Pickled they are small enough to be skewered on a cocktail pick and used to garnish a martini.
Golf balls? Just kidding I was gonna get a pair to clean up wasted seed from my parakeet but I heard parakeets can be aggresive so im just getting them for the looks and sounds they make.
You should have seen the confusion on a thread over in Random Rambling when I said I'd had a 30 egg omelet for supper. They thought it was a typo for 3 eggs. Of course, that's exactly why I posted it.
I have just one female in my flight cage with my finches. She is just adorable and begs for a meal worm every morning. She started taking them from my fingers and now hops up in my hand to get her worm! I think I like her more than I do the finches! Terri O

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