pray for daisy

Just read daisy your prayers, I think she was paying attention.šŸ¤£

Just so you guys don't have to ask the black thing in the food is a blueberry one of her favorites we have also been putting lettuce in her water she is soo spoiled.
I pray that everything will get better for this duck. I had a favorite chicken as a child, and a neighbor's dog attacked it. My Mini suffered a lot and soon died.
. Unfortunately, it was impossible to punish the neighbor and his dog. I still remember this story with pain. So I understand your pain, and we're in will be praying for Daisy. I think the Lord will give her a better world where she will no longer be in danger. One day we will all find ourselves in this bright world without aggression and malice. But now we can only pray.
My favorite chicken got merricks disease. I tried to help. She didnt pull through. My dad had to put her down. šŸ˜ž
I think that i was given a sick chicken to deal with for a reason. So that i could learn to take care of other chickens when they needed it and so that i could also learn to let them go. So now i am currently the one that takes care of all the sick birds. Remembering Morning Glory helps me to put all that i can into every chicken.
i REALLY REALLY hope daisy pulls though. i continue to pray.
we brought her to the vet they checked her over and took an x-ray they put her on antibiotics but it isn't helping so shes going in tomorrow to get some bloodwork we had her inside at first but she was lonely and it was getting messy so she was moved back outside into her own private enclosure where she can see all the other birds she has a heat lamp and a dog igloo I go out there throughout the day to get her to drink and eat

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