Prayer for My 101 Year Old Grandfather.. Update.. He passed away.

Chickie Mamma

Farmer at Heart
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Sherman, CT
My grandfather is slipping away quickly and I just need a prayer that God takes him soon. They do not think he will make the week. He was vibrant and quick until he was 99 when he broke his hip falling off a ladder. He recovered miraculously from hip surgery but never was the same. The past year has been really hard on him and my grandmother taking care of him. He is now diagnosed with lung cancer and cannot eat. He has lived a VERY long healthy life and we will miss him. No more suffering please.
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Chickie Mamma,
I wish nothing but peace for your grandfather right now. My thoughts are with your family.
Thanks sooo much for the prayers. We knew this would come sooner or later (we thought this years ago). When there is a will to live, anything's possible.
He was going to be 102 in August.
Prayers for splendid journey to the life Hereafter, in Jesus's name we pray. Amen.

In Christ's love,

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