Prayers for a little boy.

Thank you all for the kind thoughts and prayers. The latest news is that he had a scan yesterday and it showed 40% brain activity...not sure what this means but it sounds better than it did initially. I will post if I hear any updates. Thanks again, there are a lot of people praying for him and his family so hopefully that will help. Hi Oesdog...sure you are just up the road
Yeh, i'm hoping to get stuck in here. Very much a novice - our first 11 chicks hatched in the last 2 weeks so I am reading up and learning by the day. Thanks for the welcome.
Just an update for those who were kind enough to say a prayer...It's still looking pretty bad for the little boy. He had a setback today and is back on the ventilator. All are just praying for his mum and dad and family and that he will improve. I'll let you know if there is any change. Thanks again for the prayers.
Please pray for this little boy and his family. Last night his ventilator was turned off as he is losing his fight' His parents have been holding him in their arms since. It's the saddest thing I can imagine. I am so upset. We have all been watching and praying for the past 2 weeks and had all kept up hope but there isn't any now. I will post if I hear more. Please do pray for them. Thank you.

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