Prayers needed Please

crazy cat lady

11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
NW Illinois
My nephew deployed today for Iraq. Prayers please for his safe return home. He has a 2 yr old boy who doesn't understand why daddy is leaving again.

Thank you!!
Prayers and thanks for your nephew, and
for his family.
will do. my son just came home from deployment to the middle east. It's hard on all the family, parents included. most places have internet service so if you can get a webcam it may help some. but at his age, more attention from all the family will probabley help more. My DIL kept a large picture by his bedside and every night they would kiss the pix and tell daddy good night and she wouldexplain that daddy's job sent him away and he would be comming home as soon as he can. to most 2 year olds they have no real concept of time, and she would keep pix all around the house for him to see daddy. good luck & prayers marrie
I pray for all the soldiers, every day. They are so much braver that I. I have friends and family over there too. One friend is on his 3 time over there and one family member has made a career of it. 20+ years. He's Navy.
I hope he has a safe deployment and return! My cousin just came back for Iraq two weeks ago!! Hopefully time will fly past and he will stay safe.

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