Prayers PLEASE!!!

Thank yall! Not much changed today. Was another aggrevating day for her.

Remember: tomorrow could be better.

Have hope.

Hold On, Pain Ends!
Hoping she continues to recover! Don't be discouraged if progress comes in fits and spurts, that's the nature of brain injuries.

My sister had to learn to read again after her head hit the windshield. It was very frustrating for her, but she kept at it and is now as good as new.

Don't forget to take care of yourself!
She opens her eyes but doesn't keep them open for long. My mom tells her everything is ok and she just dries :'(.. my poor sister, breaks my heart :'(
She opens her eyes but doesn't keep them open for long. My mom tells her everything is ok and she just dries :'(.. my poor sister, breaks my heart :'(

Oh, I am so sorry. :hugs I can only imagine how hard that is for you to watch. Certain meds can make somebody more emotional as well.
My heart goes out to you during this time.
Still praying Therry! She is slowly but surely getting better. Glad she is opening her eyes if only just for a little while!

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